Various Languages
We people always wanted to exchange our ideas and feelings to another one. Language is the key we can share our thoughts. In ancient times people wanted to move one place to another place for searching food and finding shelter for hiding themselves from dangerous animals and nature disasters. When people exchange their ideas through sounds. According to the climate conditions their sounds had changed place to place and group to group. Since humans lived on different places on the planet different languages almost developed simultaneously. The migration of people caused the local language to mix and become new languages.
For Example an English man from England pronouncing a word "come" differ from an English speaking man belong to United States. This is caused by climate and living conditions.
Today there are 6,909 living languages – one for every 1,013,200 people in the world. Many countries have more than one official language both English and their mother tongue or mother tongue and English. English is the worldwide recognized common language that enables people who speak mutually unintelligible language to communicate.

Why so many languages are difficult to learn?

Language is not an easy task to learn in very short period. When we born, our mother tongue's sounds, actions and behaviours are automatically accepted by our tongue, lips, throat and other organs of speech and we do not have shy to accept it. When we are growing, our organs of speech will grow. Once, our speech organs well prepared to speak our mother tongue, will not accept the new one very quickly. The organs of speech would shy to produce the sounds. This is only succeeded by continuous practice. But neighbour language is very easy to learn. Because the neighbours are very close to us and living conditions also similar to ours. For example an Indian who is speaking Hindi can easy to learn Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu etc. But he who can learn Chinese language, not easy to understand because, the language of the Chinese people whose cultures are totally different from India. In India hundreds of languages are spoken.